Nutrix Booklets & Irving Klaw

#403420 - Bound in Rubber Book No One Nutrix 1959

SKU: #403420

Bound In Rubber, Book No. One
Nutrix Co.
Jersey City, New Jersey

digital replica

One of the first Nutrix publications produced by Mr. Klaw after his move to Jersey City, the 96-page booklet presents 11 stories. Most illustrations and photographs used here were derived from other products he sold as photo prints during the years of his commerce in Manhattan. For example, the first story concerns a character named Sabretta.

Dominant Female Subdues Male Slaves

illustrated by Bilbrew

Strait-Jacketed For Revenge

illustrated by Ruiz

All Tied Up in Rubber Apparatus

illustrated by Stanton

Rubber Reducing Ordeal

illustrated by Ruiz

Bound in Rubber

Harrowing Plight in Rubberland

illustrated by Ruiz

Initiated Into Rubber Bondage

illustrated by Stanton

Kidnapped Girls Terrible Plight

illustrated by Bilbrew

Rubber Apparel Bondage


Captured By the Slave Queen

illustrated by Ruiz

Possibly written by Mr. Klaw, the stories provide copious details about confining rubber garments and binding utilities. In "All Tied Up In Rubber Apparatus,” Wendy finds an old rubber corset in the attic of her uncle's house. When she tries to tighten it over her dress, the seams split. When cousin Eloise discovers the damage, she exacts bizarre rubber revenge.

Seeing one of her loved objects of rubber torn made Eloise lose her mind temporarily as the corset had been a favorite item of hers and it was as if she had lost a dear friend.

She jumped onto the poor hapless Wendy and began to tie her up with rubber straps and a piece of an old portable shower head hose that should have been thrown away long ago. Crazed with fury at Wendy, Eloise's distorted mind conceived the plan of punishing her with or chastising her with other rubber objects as retribution for ruining Eloise's rubber corset.

Now that Eloise had Wendy securely bound and helpless, Eloise had a compulsion to make Wendy suffer for her misdeed. She strapped over Wendy's mouth a wide rubber band which was buckled on the front and which had a round opening in its middle. Eloise stuffed into the opening a rubber stopper to which was affixed a long rubber hose. At the end of the hose was a threaded connection which ran to a large rubber ball.

Then while Wendy watched with frightened eyes, Eloise proceeded to dress up in an all rubber costume for, in her twisted mind, she was the self-styled avenger of all who defiled rubber. Eloise donned a clinging and form fitting pair of rubber thigh length boots with high heels and a waistcoat of the same material which came down over the tops of the boots. Then Eloise stepped back to admire her own creation as the rubber avenger in a cracked full length mirror.

Powerless to resist the maniacal ire of the crazy girl, Wendy allowed Eloise to pick her up and place a helmet of black rubber over her head and eyes. Then Eloise moved Wendy to a corner of the attic where Eloise ran the long rubber hose stuffed into Wendy's mouth to a rubber ball filled with brackish salt water. Eloise's idea of punishment for Wendy was to place her on top of the rubber ball containing salt water and watch Wendy squirm in an effort to keep the salt water entering Wendy's mouth through the rubber hose connection in the gag.

If Wendy moved the salt water squirted into her mouth parching her throat and making her weak and sick. If she swallowed too much of the salty liquid in her stomach it would eat the lining of her stomach. Wendy thought that she, too, would lose her reason also on account of the fantastic tactics being used by her deranged cousin. The salty water trickled down her throat as the pressure of her movements to ease her strained position forced the water into her unwilling mouth.

It was a horrible nightmare for Wendy who wondered how she was ever going to get out of her terrible predicament. Her precarious position was brought home to her as she gagged on the salty liquid going down her throat in spite of all her efforts not to swallow. Eloise jumped up and down with glee as Wendy moved in an awkward manner to prevent the ball from sending the water down the hose. . . .

The ebook includes all booklet pages in the original sequence, including two pages of Nutrix advertising. Most of the pictures with a vertical orientation fill the screen from top to bottom. Photographs with a horizontal orientation have been rotated to appear conveniently in the ebook.

Brightness, contrast, and levels were adjusted, and shadows reduced. Many specks and streaks were retouched. The ebook iteration provides a visual experience that is superior to the old paper.

All new scans.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $4.20
