High Heels magazines

#302319 - High Heels 1 10 Health Knowledge ACME 1967

SKU: #302319

High Heels, Number 10
Health Knowledge, Inc.
New York, New York

digital replica

Mr. Burtman didn't always have cash to pay for printing of magazine content he developed, and often sold publication packages to other publishers, such as Unique, Health Knowledge, Bilife Publications, Bizincorp and Consolidated. Packages included everything a publisher might need to print a magazine, and allowed space for advertising. For these, he received a fee and copies, which he, in turn, sold to raise cash for other publishing projects.

How can we be certain that this magazine is Burtman-related? He put a picture of his wife on the cover. And her photo shows his living room.

Although the top of the front covers says High Heels and cover photos show high heels, none of the pictorials inside show models in high heels. Front and back covers have content unrelated to any interior page.

Why make an ebook of a fraudulent magazine? Because the pages within the covers do a nice job of showing the curvaceous forms of 1960s pin-up models.

The array of fleshy females offers a lot to look at, especially for fans of lacy panties, garter belts, fishnets and sheer, RHT stockings. Some wear pumps in a few pictures, but heels are short.

Models include —

• Shirley Britton

• Ginny Cutrone

• Kim Courtney

• Pat Roberts

• Jeanne Malone

Two short stories are introduced by splendid pencil drawings by Eric Stanton. Two “sexy sea nymphs” frolic with bikinis, martinis, beads and a lit cigarette in a photo shoot set on a boat and in adjacent waters. Photos of artifacts at a New York Money Museum appear on a few pages.

Brightness and contrast were adjusted and shadows reduced. Except for scratched regions of the covers, all interior pictures transposed to ebook format with clarity, improving on the graphic quality of the original.

All content of the 72-page magazine is in the digital replica, including ads. Some borders and backgrounds were cropped out. A few page layouts were revised slightly.

The color centerfold was spliced and rotated. Page sequence was revised to obtain continuity of prose pieces.

All new scans.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $3.19
