#302334 - Kidnap - The Tyler Files 1 4 HOM Inc

SKU: #302334

Kidnap, The Tyler Files, Volume 1, Number 4
HOM Inc.
Van Nuys, California

digital replica

An American asked for ebooks of issues in the Kidnap — The Tyler Files series. “Been looking for it for years,” he wrote. Novels titled Tyler - Memoirs of a White Slaver served as inspiration for these magazines. What the prose described, magazine photos show, i.e., lovely kidnapees in uncomfortable bondage.

Pictorial pages have layouts that suggest folders or desktops holding a scatter of snapshots and index cards. The author of the cards must be Tyler, who manages a white slave business. Card content provides context, names, dates, admiration, commercial intentions and other data about pretty women in the pictures.

The Tyler-Philes

Letters to the editor of this magazine express big praise for previous issues. For example . . .

Some feedback on your latest release, Kidnap: The Tyler Files. Fantastic in its entirety! Give the genius who developed the new format concept a raise, and send me all future mags in the new format. This is the most creative effort to hit the bondage market in a long time.

I loved the creativity and realism in the layouts. And the outfits, positions, ties, and models were stupendous! This is the closest anyone in the bondage publication field has ever come to a classic whole magazine!

Are there any other magazines done in this new format!

Keep up the great work!

Recruit K-10

A cute cheerleader in sweater, short skirt and white sneakers is bound and gagged in a locker room. The first gag — a white handkerchief — is replaced by a ball. Later in the set, a wide strap of leather covers her mouth.

Unbuttoning the sweater reveals a lacy white bra on smooth shoulders. Handcuffs and thumb cuffs comprise a bondage scheme that evolves with ropes. After white panties are removed, our sweetheart gets posed with pompoms and megaphone.

The Return of Fanni Hall, Fourth and Final Installment

Text of this episode appears on 9 pages with small illustrations from previous chapters. The top two inches of each page present a timeline history of the Fanni Hall franchise. Robert Bishop's centerfold adds color to Fanni's legacy.

The Tyler Gallery

Four illustrations visualize dynamic scenes from the novels.

Recruit K-ll

In cloth and rope gags, Sally squirms on a messy floor, wearing only a flimsy dress that conceals nothing. Multiple turns of thick rope encircle the sultry captive's ankles and wrists.

The digital replica contains all content of the 48-page magazine in the original sequence, including advertising. A few page layouts were revised slightly. Some empty margins, walls and floors were cropped out.

Brightness, contrast and levels were adjusted and shadows reduced. Good photography in the original transposed to ebook format with clarity.

All new scans. Nudity.

Although some parts of pictures are obscured on this page, the ebook shows everything that's in the original.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $3.34