#300383 - Don's Degradation Eric Stanton Triple Degradation
Triple Degradation
a comic serial in four parts
illustrated by Eric Stanton
Stanton Archive Catalog #115
c. 1968
panels optimized for ebook viewing
Don's Degradation
A Tale of Two Newlyweds
illustrated by Eric Stanton
probably published by Ed Mishkin
Stanton Archive Catalog #216
c. 1964
digital replica

from Triple Degradation
Eric Stanton
Triple Degradation
Stanton Archive Catalog summarizes #115 with this language:
No man can withstand the fury and cruelty of three women. Poor dad is humiliated and chastised by wife, daughter and niece, who take turns punishing him.
An imminent COD parcel precipitates the events described in the four parts of this comic. Daddy took the household cash and asks daughter to cover for him. Instead, sexy Della smacks him, then spanks him over her lap.
The doorbell announces arrival of Trish, his niece. Della discloses the circumstances to her cousin and they both inspect his bottom. After Della leaves to pick up Mom, Trish accomplishes unspeakable insertions in her vulnerable uncle.
When Della applies a wood paddle to Dad's posterior, he responds strangely. His wife twists his ear and uses tongs to remove obstructions.
The four-part comic tells its story on 27 pages with up to four panels per page. The optimized ebook, presents each panel on a separate page. To make drawings appear as large as possible on screens, some dialog balloons were re-positioned and some narrative blurbs appear on separate pages.
About 50 pages.
Mr. Stanton created most of the pictures in this set using a marker, but a few also show paint. He renders his righteous divas alluring and strong, which adds piquant drama to the helplessness of the abused male.
Don's Degradation

from Don's Degradation
Eric Stanton
When his father dies, he leaves his wealth to Don. Vanquisha, his widowed stepmother, makes an arrangement with beautiful Sadie to marry the stepson and gain control of the estate by dominating the man together.
Early in their marriage, Don complains to Sadie about her inattention to housework. Her indifference to his proclamations provokes him into a misguided slap. Then, the newly-wed bride strips, binds and whips her husband.
She makes him clean the house, cook her breakfast. When Vanquisha arrives to help with his discipline, she brings a gold-handled whip, Heels of Humiliation and Gloves of Submission.
The ebook changes the sequence of the first few pictures to locate them near text that describes the scenes. On female characters, pictures have been edited to remove grainy textures, replacing them with smooth shadows and contours.
With appropriate dialog and competent descriptions, the intelligent prose does a nice job of telling the story. The words expose Don's multiple discomforts.
Mr. Stanton's 11 ink and paint illustrations show the dominating dynamics of a lovely wife in lingerie hurting her husband with whips, belts and assorted bondage devices. The style of these drawings is similar to that of A Man Disciplined, with blocks of dialog.
In these two narratives, voluptuous beauties in seductive undies punish males for misdeeds, delighting in their misery. The extravagant violence wrought by pretty family members teach men the value of proper deportment. Scenarios like these perpetuate the international reputation of Mr. Stanton as the modern master of femdom imagery.
Two ebooks, one optimized, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.