#294 - Raped in Drag Mutrix Boy-Seducer

SKU: #294

Raped in Drag
by Mutrix Corp.
New York, New York
c. 1972

digital replica


probably Candor
New York, New York
c. 1974

digital replica

Raped in Drag

Like Boy Maid Servants, Raped in Drag
• was illustrated by the same artist
• has transvestite elements
• has a teenage male who experiences bizarre sex for the first time
• has a European, summer-vacation setting
• was published by Mutrix
• cover and interior illustrations were made by different artists.

We'd guess that the same British writer created both stories. Passages describe some gay sex in both, but neither has rape scenes.

The front cover provides this summary:

Young & attractive, Sebastian visiting Europe is dressed by his mother in girls' clothes for protection. He discovers his own desire to dress as a girl & is seduced by bisexual Count Belletroni & and becomes his “wife” in a remote castle in Italy.

The 60-page booklet contains eight illustrations. Some of them are censored and some show genitalia. The ebook contains all content of the original in the original page sequence, except that two pages of advertising were re-located at the back.

Brightness and contrast were adjusted. All new scans. Some male nudity.


A randy teen follows a voluptuous blond home from the subway station. When she catches him looking into her window, she thrashes him.

She sits on his face, hangs him upside down, whips him, and uses him for pleasure. In the last scene, she carries him on her shoulder while he's in rope bondage.

The eight-page booklet was probably produced by Candor, successor to Mutrix. The artist is unknown but familiar.

The ebook presents all content of the booklet — eight panels on eight pages — in the numbered sequence of the original. Brightness and contrast were adjusted.

All new scans. Female and male nudity.

Although some parts of pictures are obscured on this page, the ebook shows everything that's in the original.

Two ebooks, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $2.94