#460 - Masque 1 Selbee Education of Stephanie Burmel
Masque, Issue Number 1,
A Selbee Publication
New York, New York
a digital replica with some enhancements
The Education of Stephanie,
An Exotique Publication
Burmel [Leonard BURtman / Ben HimMEL] Publishing Co.
c. 1959
two digital replicas with some enhancements
Masque, Issue Number 1
After the last Exotique magazine in 1959, Mr. Burtman launched Masque magazine, which lasted about four issues. The first of the Masque issues appears in 1960, and was like Exotique in every way:
• 64 black and white interior pages
• color cover by Gene Bilbrew
• two short stories — one silk, one cross-dressing — by Evelyn Adams
• Bilbrew and Stanton illustrations
• photos of models in corsets, stockings, long leather gloves, high-heeled shoes and boots.
• an article about bizarre indoor furnishings
A beauty in every respect, Masque 1 offers first-class photography, sultry models, excellent illustrations, and conscientious manufacture. The ebook is a digital replica, but a few photos have been repeated, enlarged. The photography is set in Mr. Burtman's home, using his bar as a background.

The Education of Stephanie, two versions
Characterizing itself as “A New Type of Photo-Fiction,” The Education of Stephanie tells how sexy, experienced Margie instructs her lonely young friend to dress in a way that enables her “to snare a boy-friend.” At her apartment, Margie shows Stephanie her undies — black bra, panties, garter belt, stockings and high-heeled mules. The lacy ensemble is Margie's recipe for activating the latent fetishist she expects lives within all men. Then, she has Stephanie don a black satin maid's costume as a suitable uniform for helping her into a corset and high-heeled pumps.
The photos show two lovely models in the attire and circumstances described by the text. The original has about 30 pictures and the ebook duplicates and enlarges a few of the best views. Parts of this set of pictures have appeared in High Heels magazine and elsewhere.
first ebook iteration
Unfortunately, the production of the Stephanie booklet appears to have been made from copies of the photographs or photographs of magazine pages. As a consequence, some of the ebook pictures have soft edges.
second ebook iteration
The second version of The Education of Stephanie was made from a new set of scans of a different booklet. This edition seems to be a first printing, with slightly better rendition of photographs.
Three ebooks, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.