#495 - DW 123 Dominant Wives Eric Stanton
Dominant Wives 1, 2 and 3
by Eric Stanton
from Stantoons 18, 19, 20
self-published, 1985, 1986
New York, New York
digital replica
optimized for ebook viewing

Although the content of this product consists of new scans of printed materials, many websites offer free downloads of image files based on the Dominant Wives series. The difference between free files and these ebooks is quality.
Mr. Stanton created desirable women, who prove dangerous for their admirers. These powerful beauties follow their own perverse agendas, which involve infliction of pain, restraint and humiliation. Their physical appeal draws hapless men close, but that proximity invariably provides opportunity for spanking or slapping.
In the chapters of Dominant Wives, demanding women exact burning penance from submissive husbands. Laura Penrose enjoys slapping husband Jasper's face. Debra Johnson prefers spanking her Stephen's bare bottom.
Dominant Wives 1
On his commuter train ride home, Jasper despairs of his frustrating domestic circumstances. As she suffers with headaches, his lovely spouse exiles him to the living room at bedtime and refusing any kind of intimacy. She bosses him around their home and smacks his face whenever his conduct displeases her. He plans to change the balance as he walks up the apartment staircase.
He finds sexy Laura grumpy and complaining. She demands that he fetch medicine and chocolates at the drug store and complain to downstairs neighbors about the volume of their radio.
He departs and stops at the Johnson's apartment on the floor below. Their loud radio and Debra's occupation with the task of spanking Stephen with a sturdy paddle prevent her from hearing his door knock.
She construes his rude intrusion as pretext for spanking him. For compliance with her demands, Debra promises carnal rewards and proceeds to remove his trousers.

Dominant Wives 2
With his naked loins bent across her bare thighs, she wallops his bottom with a long-handled brush. Afterward, she pulls his face by the ears toward her breasts, where he feasts while her whipped husband stands in the corner contemplating his shortcomings.
Meanwhile, Laura calls the drug store, where Jasper has not been seen. By the time he's released by Debra, the store is closed and he returns home. When his wife asks about her medicine and chocolates, he lies.
Stephen arrives to complain about noise from the Penrose apartment. Laura slaps his face in indignation, and sends him away.

Dominant Wives 3
Debra introduces herself to Laura and they discuss the best way to control husbands who misbehave.
Debra: “There is nothing like taking your husband's pants down and turning his bare ass over your knee for a a sound hair-brushing.”
Laura: “I just give him a crack across the face . . or two . . or three! If I feel like it . . . a slap is so quick . . so neat!”
The digital replica consists of more than 50 pages. Part 1 consists of original scans of 25 pages of Stantoons 18. Parts 2 and 3 consist of downloaded picture files. Contrast, brightness and rotation were adjusted.
The optimized ebook consists of all new scans of pages from Stantoons 18 and reprints of parts 2 and 3.
About half the pages in the series contain two or more borderless comic panels. The optimized ebook separates the panels from each other, placing each scene on its own page. The dialog balloons have been moved to the side, in many cases, to allow grand female figures to fill ebook pages from top to bottom.
This tactic is intended to reduce the need for zooming and scrolling. In a few cases, figure features or action elements have been repeated, enlarged.
To make the most of the shorter panels in the original, optimized pages for this product are somewhat smaller than other optimized ebooks. This technique exploits the capabilities of video hardware — not image-editing software — to fill screens with pictures.
On female characters, shading was revised to better show shadow and contour while preserving Mr. Stanton's voluptuous feminine shapes. Careful image editing retains pencil-on-paper outline texture in illustrations. The art of the original booklets display on more than 160 optimized ebook pages.
Mr. Stanton renders his luscious divas in a spectrum of moods and poses. He shows a young woman so beautiful that being spanked by her while lying across her luscious thighs might offer a bizarre sensuality that compensates for the pain.
The Maestro here created episodes of generous proportions and detail. The accompanying dialog and narration reflect the work of a capable writer. The story flows nicely.
Who but the Maestro creates a scene where two desirable women compare techniques for accomplishing corporal discipline on husbands? Mr. Stanton created entrancing images of female power, and the Dominant Wives shows us the fierce charms of determined enforcers who enjoy spanking their resident whipping boys. These drawings present some of the best work from Mr. Stanton's last period. In a convenient fetish album, the optimized iteration discloses content and detail that the originals obscure.
Two ebooks, one of them optimized, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.