#203295 - Locker Room Wrestlers Satellite Publishing
Submitted by admin on Fri, 04/26/2019 - 00:28Locker Room Wrestlers
Satellite Publishing Co.
Jersey City, New Jersey
ca. 1965
digital replica
A fan of Satellite booklets wrote to us from Italy, asking for more wrestling ebooks. We found Locker Room Wrestlers. While the story tells of a fight that begins about a locker, photos show shapely women grappling in an apartment living room.
Vera and Shirley get into a dispute over sharing Shirley's locker at a fancy resort.
"You can't have my locker," sputtered blonde Shirley and you're not going to stay here. I'm going to beat you black and blue until you'll be a sore sight for sore eyes." She grabbed Vera's thick dark hair and pulled until tears ran down the other girl's cheeks.
"I'll kill you!" threatened Vera Scott as she fought to be free from this hellion. "You're going to be ripped into a million pieces and the locker will belong to me." She gulped in more precious air as she was forced onto her back, flattened out.
For just a moment, Shirley Hines hoisted herself upward; her curvaceous body with the ample bosom and the well rounded buttocks now became as stiff and rigid as a board. She made a flying leap and slammed herself down on the startled Vera Scott. If there was a scream, it was just a garbled groan as the two bodies slammed hard into one another.
"Get off me!" It was the first thing that Vera said as soon as she was able to twist her legs apart, then raise them higher, finally digging her sharp skyscraper heels into the small of Shirley's back. "You're like a fat cow."
"I am not!" Shirley felt angered at the insult and then raised up just a few inches and again slammed down hard.
Vera felt all the air being squeezed out of her soft body. Her bra strap was already hanging on threads and because the elastic band of her panties was out of shape, it was a fearful thought that the covering would come sliding down her lyre-shaped hips. . .
The next moment, Vera had edged up to a large triple-seat couch against one wall of the combination locker-dressing room of this exclusive and luxurious club resort. She was in a half-sitting position as she reached out and seized one of Shirle'y's lean and well-shaped legs.
"Let go of my leg!" Shirley tried to pull free. She punched wildly, one bbw landing right in the pit of Vera's lower tummy, at the navel.
Vera felt the knuckles digging deep into her belly and she almost gagged but she would not let go. "I'll break your leg and then your arm. You're going to scream, Blondie and scream so good and loud, you'll always remember this. Nobody'll want you when I'm finished. . ."
Blonde Shirley Hines then punched again, her bare knuckles grazing off Vera's jaw. The brunette ducked out of the way, loosened her grip around Shirley's leg and arm.
"Now I'll twist you like a pretzel — yank your arms from their sockets. . . "
And so on.
The cover promises 35 photographs and that's the exact count. Each picture shows two pretty grapplers, pulling, twisting, yanking, grabbing, kneeing, and straddling on the floor or small bed that functions as a couch.
Photos show two matches. All models wear bras and panties. In the first set, one wears seamed fishnet tights and the other RHT stockings and garter belt. In the second set both fighters wear stockings. To make the total, a few pictures fill pages after the end of the text.
Photographs appear on even-numbered pages, text on odd-numbered pages. Pictures with horizontal proportions were rotated 90°.
The ebook contains all content of the booklet in the original page sequence, including advertising. Pages are sized to show pictures and text as large as possible.
Brightness, contrast and levels were adjusted, shadows reduced and specks retouched. Most photographs transposed to ebook format with satisfying tonality.
All new scans.
One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.