Femdom Fiction, Photography & Art ebooks

#304301 - Males in Love Bondage 3 Harmony

SKU: #304301

Males in Love Bondage,Number 3
Harmony Concepts
Van Nuys, California

digital replica

The magazine offers seven pictorials with men in restraints. Letters from readers mostly discuss Bondage Life magazine.

A Surprise Guest
Allison Brach, Kelly Ashton

“Allison and her new, handsome, buff boyfriend, James, are playing their bondage games one fine evening. James has already endured two taught ties when Allison's friend, Kelly, shows up at the door. Allison invites Kelly to join in the fun and Kelly is eager to participate. Already bound and gagged, poor boyfriend James is not so sure what he's in for but he can only do as he's told. Needless to say, Allison and Kelly take full advantage of the situation.”

Reader's Letters

One gentleman describes several forms of bondage and other penalties his wife exacts when he misbehaves. For example . . . .

She had me dress in something soft and feminine. It was a blue, crushed velvet mini-dress with a plunging neckline. (The push-up bra gave me rather generous cleavage.) The bondage was the leather strap about my wrists, with another about my upper arms and about my waist. Another strap went about each leg at the upper calfjust below the knee. I did not realize at the time that there was a ring on each strap. For a gag she slapped a piece of adhesive tape across my lips. (That should have been a warning of what was to come.) Using the collar and leash she led me into the empty room and had me kneel in the center.

I had to help her bind my legs with leather straps. One went about each leg, over the thigh and under the shin so I could only kneel. She then ordered me to move my knees apart so she could attach a wooden rod between the straps on my upper calves. This forced me to kneel them with my knees spread, symbolically offering my body up to her . . . .

Mr. Lewis Meets the Telephone Repair Lady
Artemis Antone

“Mr. Lewis is stuck at home during the middle of a busy day waiting for the telephone company to send out a repair person. When one finally shows up, it turns out to be a woman, much to his surprise. When he expresses his opinion that there are just some jobs that a woman shouldn't do and this is one of them, Artemis proceeds to demonstrate that she is the right woman for any job by tackling Zachary Lewis, then handcuffing and gagging him. The handcuffs are traded for ropes as Artemis hogties the opinionated male.”

The Domina and the Delivery Man
Eve Ellis

In heels and black lingerie, lovely Eve Ellis poses on the other side of the bondage, binding him first with rope and then taping him inside a rubber sheet.

His Last Chance

After she installs a hood on his head, Brandy torments her “no-good boyfriend.” He gets nipple clips and rope tied over his jockey shorts.

Curiosity Caught the Guy
Tasha Welsh

Tasha, a bondage model by profession, returns home after a day of being tied up. Her boyfriend Alex's curiosity finally gets the better of him and he admits to his adventurous girlfriend that he's been wondering lately what being in bondage might be like. Tasha's happy to oblige and soon Alex finds himself in one sexy bondage situation after another as his lady-love finds she's enjoying being on top for once.

Bondage Persuasion
Devin Demoore

Devin is an eccentric artist who manages to convince gallery operator Jean Juneau to consider her performance art project for his next show opening. She gets him to agree, in the name of fine art, to volunteer as her assistant while she demonstrates her stunning bondage art show on him! Jean is hogtied and left to struggle indignantly. Much to Jean's surprise, that's only the beginning and soon he finds himself tied in a standing spread-eagle, panty gagged and partially disrobed as Devin dramatically performs her piece.

Bondage Rendezvous
Tory Sinclair

Tory and Zach meet for an afternoon of bondage, with Zach on the receiving end. Tory is aggressive as she takes charge of the situation and gets the bondage ball rolling. Ropework is the order of the day as Tory places Zach in a tight, unyeilding hogtie, then stuffs a sock into his mouth, tapes over that and places a black spandex hood upon his head. Zach is left nearly immobile as Tory teases him for as long as he can take it. His relief at being released is short-lived though, and Tory once again takes matters in hand as she has Zach undress down to his skivvies and then proceeds to chair tie him, using every bit of rope available!

The ebook presents all content of the magazine, including advertising, in the original page sequence. A few page layouts were revised. Empty margins were cropped out.

Brightness, contrast and levels were adjusted and shadows reduced. Digital editing improved the picture quality of every photograph and most transposed to ebook format with clarity. Some pages show the shine of ripples.

All new scans. 48 pages.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $3.01
