Femdom Fiction, Photography & Art ebooks

#302352 - Dominant Black Bitches 1 1 1980 Rene Bond

SKU: #302352

Dominant Black Bitches, Volume 1, Number 1
J. Jordan Associates, Ltd.
New York, New York

digital replica

The 48-page volume offers five pictorials with tasty fetish ingredients and an essay. An editorial expresses specious opinions about roles symbolized by the models.

The spectre of the black woman as the supreme sexual being has long existed within the mind of man. Dark, sultry and possessing the stance of the sexually powerful, the black woman remains an enticing and fascinating member of the sexual parade. This infatuation has carried over into other areas as well, and arises most prominently within the area of domination.

It is here that the aura of the black woman assumes many varied and important connotations. Experts contend that the white males' fascination and need to be dominated by black dom-inas arises out of a sexual and racial frustration and guilt. In this sense, the black woman assumes the role of the judge, jury and executioner and takes it upon herself to administer to the white man that which he craves.

In this issue of Dominant Black Bitches, we present an insightful look into the world of the black domina, including all aspects of that sexual specialization. It is a presentation that will help our readers understand why so many men crave the sting of the black whip and the power of the black woman.

Serena — Black Fury

Holding a cat-o'-nine tails, wearing gloves, boots, garter belt, nylons and revealing dress, Serena towers over her pretty slave. In just garter belt, stockings and mules, the lovely blond allows Serena to assail her on the sofa.

Corina — She Stallion

We've seen the model portraying Corina in other magazines where she was identified as Margo. In boots, holding a whip, she displays her statuesque form and gender duality. After changing into a revealing leather dress, garter belt, stockings and sandals, she plays rough with a cuffed and collared male.

Soul Sisters in Leather

In thigh-high boots, Andrea and Sheila gang-up on Edwin, who squirms in a web of ropes on the hay-strewn floor of their studio dungeon. They add a blindfold and then a leather hood, and poke him with their heels. Sheila can't stop smiling.

The Lure of the Black Domina — essay

The piece begins with questionable speculation about the guilt feelings of certain white men . . .

. . . the black woman who offers a sexual service combined with whipping, or offers whipping in lieu of any other kind of sex, has a strange, unique appeal. This appeal has become especially pronounced in recent years, with the [advent] of the house of dominance as a viable commercial enterprise, quite legal most places, and offering every kind of humiliation a male could possibly crave. The success of these establishments demonstrates that many men feel a strong need for humiliation as it relates to their sexuality, which in turn suggests that they harbor strong guilt feelings relating to this same sexuality.

This is followed by a lengthy first-person memoir.

Illustrated with photographs of Andrea in leather, abusing a man.

Diana — Goddess in Leather

Disguised in a big afro wig, Rene Bond looks splendid in tight leather corset, long gloves, nylons, and high-heeled pumps. On the back cover, she poses in boots, holding a leather paddle. A small amount of hyperbole accompanies the six-page pictorial.

Diana will always reign supreme over her men. Her beauty will hypnotize them and her will to dominate will maintain them as her subjects. She is quick with the whip, and quicker with the leather bindings. She loves to see her white slaves on their knees, licking her boots and slowly rising up to give her pleasure where a woman demands it most. Diana is a goddess with the eternal beauty of legends, and the strength of gods.

Aretha — Stacked and Mean

In this solo set, Aretha poses in waist-cincher, stockings and spike-heeled shoes. Many photos show her touching her statuesque body.

The ebook includes all content of the magazine, which contains no advertising. Page sequence was revised to obtain continuity of the prose piece.

Some page layouts were revised. Some margins, borders, furniture, walls and floors were cropped out.

Brightness, contrast, and levels were adjusted and many specks re-touched. Photographs transposed to ebook format with clarity.

All new scans.

Female, she-male and male nudity.

Although some parts of pictures are obscured on this page, the ebook shows everything that's in the original.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $3.52
