#301383 - Buxom Beauties from Britain No 1 WWNC
Submitted by admin on Thu, 05/12/2022 - 17:26Buxom Beauties from Britain, Volume 1, Number 1
WWNC – World Wide News Corporation
Cleveland, Ohio
digital replica
Models and photographs in Buxom Beauties from Britain reflect Mr. Burtman's connection to the publication. Pictures of adult stores in Soho appear in several Burtman magazines, including Focus on London. This 1963 magazine also contains many pictures that comprise the “Camera Club” feature with Valerie Hatherall. High Heels, Volume 1, Number 10, 1967 shows pictures of Kim Courtney from the same photo shoot. Terry Callahan, Margaret Middleton, Chris Carter, June Palmer and other models who present their assets in Buxom Beauties from Britain are shown on pages of Leg Show, High Heels, Stocking Parade, and other Selbee products. Some Stanton art used as filler was first seen in Selbee zines.
The large format booklet also has articles about allegedly scandalous British practices and neighborhoods. Many of the models are British. As is the custom of British pin-ups, models often pose in panties, bras, garter belts (suspender belts), nylons, and heels. Pictorials expose the feminine charms of
Kim Courtney
Annette Johnson
Julie Collins
Terry Callahan
Soho: Sin by the Square Mile
Added in recent years to the infamous list that includes Sodom and Gomorrah, the Barbary Coast and Pigalle, is Soho, London's contribution to the world of tawdry sex and sin. Strip shows that open early and close late, "camera" clubs and B-girls, streetwalkers and high class call girls, straight sex and "off-beat" parties, dope and despair — these are the attractions of Soho. As for the cops — well, so long as nobody gets violent and the shimmers aren't solicited to the point of annoyance, the bobbies let well enough alone. Recent scandal headlines notwithstanding, Soho flourishes on vending vice in any and every form, for every taste, simple or exotic.
Lovely models brazenly advertise on Soho doorways, invite "photographers" up to their flats where at an hourly rate they strip nude, and if the "photographer" decides he'd like to have what he sees, that can be arranged, too.
Britain's Top Thirty
A collection of single photos of British models, including Lorraine Burnette, Susan Shaw, Chris Carter, June Palmer, Terri Martine, Sonia Cardell, Margaret Middleton, Hilda Beck, and others.
London: The Capitol of Fairyland — article
by Betty Edwards
When Buxom Beauties was published, psychologists characterized homosexuality as a disorder. Ms. Edwards essay employs the foul vocabulary of ridicule in her moralizing.
According to recent reports in medical and sociological journals, one out of 25 men in England today is homosexual. Because of the moral and social stigmas as well as the strong legal measures taken against them, it is naturally difficult to obtain valid statistics about these male sexual deviates.
The pictures shown here were taken by a plain clothes-man whose camera was hidden in an innocent looking paper-wrapped parcel.
Much of the secret "camp" or slang talk of homosexuals the world over originated in England, which has been the unofficial "Mother Country" of "fairies" for centuries. For instance, the term "Queen" or "Flaming Queen" so commonly used as an epithet in the States is thought to stem from the English expression "quean" meaning prostitute.
Responsible personages in high political and religious circles in England are extremely alarmed by reports that the army of two million homosexuals on the Isles is growing.The majority of these enraged citizens seem to be concerned mainly with the widespread seduction of young boys by stage and screen idols and even school teachers. Sociologists feel that a large part of the blame for the situation may lie in the fact that English schools are not coeducational, so that hundreds of youths are denied the normal contact with the opposite sex during formative years, (which is the rule rather than the exception in the United States, where boys and girls mingle freely in classrooms and on campuses).
In London, wherever men congregate — pubs, hairdressers (like our barber shops), tailors, even the private clubs — a homosexual "pick-up" or “male prostitute” is an easy find. Police are working constantly to stem the ever increasing tide, but new meeting places spring up even while a raid is taking place next door. A number of informed citizens feel that unless these vicious practices are stopped, England is headed for disaster.
Great Britain incorporated even the sinister aspects of its religion into criminal code. As it claimed colonies, these laws were extended to other continents. In the 21st century, gay men in currently-independent African countries continue to be persecuted by the nasty residue of British colonial moralism, even though the law was changed in United Kingdom.
Perhaps the saddest enforcement of Britain's homo-phobic criminal code involves a mathematics genius named Alan Turing. During the war, he unraveled Nazi codes, which helped win many battles for the Allies. After the war, he was punished for his homosexuality with chemical castration and took his own life in 1954.
Camera Club
. . . the big boom in hobbies these days is in the Camera Clubs. Why the sudden urge to click those shutters? Well, take the club shown here for typical example. It's the Camera Club of Clapham Junction, North London. It's open every night of the week to members, and it has its own darkroom.
In club's dressing room, Valerie [Hatherall] prepares her make-up for the cameras. Excellent lighting facilities are provided by this club, with the most modern strobe equipment.
The ebook contains all content in the 68-page booklet in the original page sequence. A small amount of borders, empty margins, walls and floors was cropped out.
Brightness, contrast and levels were adjusted, shadows reduced and many specks re-touched. Images transposed to ebook format with clarity.
All new scans.
One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.