Satellite Publishing

#300349 - Wrestling Fetish Satellite Photo Album 7 Rosslyn News

SKU: #300349

Wrestling Fetish
Satellite Publishing Co.
Jersey City, New Jersey
c. 1965

digital replica


Wrestling Photo Album, Volume 7
Rosslyn News
Studio City, California

a digital replica


Females Fisticuff
no publisher/place/date shown
c. 1967

a digital replica

A Note to Readers:
This three-piece bundle is intended for those who like stories and photos of women fighting with each other.

Wrestling Fetish
The cover boasts that Wrestling Fetish is non-fiction and attempts to justify that categorization with these introductory words: “A little known but widely practiced female perversion is that of wrestling. More and more such females are becoming warped and twisted with this bizarre fetish which involves performing different types of wrestling ‘games’ as a means of stimulating the already abnormal libido.”

The prose calls itself case histories and includes descriptions of fighting and doctor/patient interviews.

The photographs show two attractive models in panties, garter belts, hosiery and pumps. With hands and knees, they struggle on a low sofa and nearby rug. They pull, push, twist, grab and maul.

The Satellite booklet presents 30 photographs on left-handed pages and text on the others. The ebook repeats this pattern in the original sequence.

Brightness and contrast were adjusted and many specks retouched. All new scans.

Wrestling Photo Album, Volume 7 - incomplete
Photographs shows at least three pairs young women fighting with each other on the floor. Locales may be a living room, basement, rumpus room or garage.

Pretty and slim, they sometimes appear in bra or bustier but always in panties, stockings and garter belts.

They grapple on what might be a thin mat, grasping each other's arms and wrists. Their fights involve holds, pins, straddles, scissors, twists, locks and hair pulls. In a few pictures, models smile.

The ebook is incomplete. The cover advertises 48 photos, but the ebook shows 39, in the original sequence.

Ebook content comes from original, high-resolution scans, improved by tonal adjustments and filter application. A few photos show soft edges.

No text.

Females Fisticuff
By style and layout, Females Fisticuff (sic) seems to have the same originators as Lesbian Conquest, which also shows women wrestling in their undies.

Content consists of photographs from four sets. The oldest (three pictures) looks like 1950s styles. These fun-loving ladies never remove bras, which also helps set the date.

The prettiest grapplers here are petite Asians with lustrous hair. In lace panties, garter belts and snug RHT nylons, these women tangle and twist on a rug and nearby bed.

Five photos show a pair of lovelies in hand-to-hand fighting on top of a bed.

Another set shows four wrestlers (tag teams?) on a living room rug. They're topless and two of them wear flat-healed vinyl boots, which were popular in the late 1960s. These photographs are smaller.

Pictures are re-sequenced in the ebook to achieve continuity of photo sets. Brightness and contrast were adjusted and some specks re-touched.

All new scans.

Three digital replica ebooks, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $3.49
