#201291 - Women Enslave and Humiliate Author Bilbrew Eneg Nutrix
Submitted by admin on Fri, 10/11/2019 - 01:07Women Enslave and Humiliate Author
illustrated by Gene Bilbrew / ENEG
Nutrix Co.
Jersey City, New Jersey
digital replica
pictures-only version
With a title that reads like a tabloid headline, this obscure Nutrix booklet roughly anticipates the avalanche of awareness, outrage and activism kicked off by Ms. Friedan's Feminine Mystique in 1963. In the story, a writer of popular mystery novels that contain scenes in which women are abused and insulted piques the indignation of the Society for Equal Rights for All Femininity.
President Susanne and her secretary Hazel invite the author to their home for cocktails. They attempt to educate him about gender parity, “to resolve some of Mike's evident misconceptions about women,” but alcohol makes him even more obnoxious.
When reasonableness fails, the two women embark on a plan that forces him to reconsider his chauvinist opinions. They slip a “Mickey Finn” into his glass and soon he's drowsy.
They bring him to the bedroom and tie wrists and ankles to bed posts. After he's awake and refuses to recant, he's tied into rope bondage involving a wood rod, and Susanne rides him like a horse.
They tightly cinch a lacy corset around him, which infuriates and hurts. His arms get fixed in another bondage scheme. When he talks too much, they gag him with a donkey mask.
To further humiliate him, she has him polish her high-heeled boots while he's hampered by handcuffs. They dress him in a tight rubber suit that makes him hot and uncomfortable. And so on . . .
The 64-page booklet develops close correlation of text and images. Either Mr. Bilbrew's pictures guided the author or, more likely, ENEG based his illustrations on a reading of the story. Every picture relates to a scene in the narrative.
The easy-to-read prose makes frequent references to high heels and pony tails. Explicit descriptions of bondage arrangements and emotions add color to the story.
The ebook contains all content of the booklet in the original sequence, including two pages of Nutrix ads. Some pictures were rotated for viewing convenience.
Mr. Bilbrew's narrative art delineates alluring females with precision and style. Some pictures are fine ink renderings; others mix ink with washes. He does a beautiful job with faces, coiffures, legs and spike-heeled footwear.
Levels were adjusted and shadows reduced. Text and images transposed to ebook format with sharp edges and smooth gradients.
The product consists of two ebooks. One has adjusted scans of both text and picture pages. The other presents only the 23 pictures.
All new scans of the original 1960 Nutrix booklet.
Two ebooks, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.