Gene Bilbrew Eneg Art

#400486 - WODBT Women of Distinction Bilbrew

SKU: #400486

Women of Distinction
illustrated by Gene Bilbrew
R. & G. Publishing Co.
New York, New York
c. 1961

digital replica


Bondage Threesome
illustrated by Gene Bilbrew
Hilbarth, Inc.
Buffalo, New York

digital replica

plus bonus ebook

During the 1960s, successful litigation worked to expand the boundaries of acceptable content in all forms of American expression. Two works by the Great Gene Bilbrew, separated by about 10 years, reflect evolved parameters that permitted increased candor and vulgarity in adult publications.

Women of Distinction
Ambitious, if not pretentious,Women of Distinction, Book One, yearns to be the first installment of a novel. The first page quotes anonymous reviews that praise the eloquence of author John Cranshaw.

A couple of years earlier, R. & G. Publishing produced transvestite fantasy His Dreams Came True, which also boasted narrative-illuminating Bilbrew ink drawings. The theme here swirls around a coterie of female sadists, starting with Helen Carter. Her husband, Sheriff Jim, wants to rid New Orleans of sexual deviants and suspects that his wife and Dr. Wilhelmina are involved with this steamy depravity.

In a hotel room, Helen asks the bellhop to find her a man who suits her sudden urgency, a man who wants to be whipped. When he appears, he calls himself a slave, and they both reach ecstatic heights from the punishment-submission ritual they design.

A knock on the door interrupts their liaison. It's Julian, Helen's son. She has him read about sadism and he understands the alternative idiom as forbidden fun that must be kept secret from his straight-laced father.

The 50-page booklet contains about six illustrations by Mr. Bilbrew and a few relate to the narrative.

The ebook contains all content of the R. & G. booklet in the original page sequence.
Brightness and contrast were adjusted. All new scans.

Bondage Threesome
Ten years later, Mr. Bilbrew draws illustrations for a much longer piece of prose for Hilbarth of Buffalo, probably owned by Ed Mishkin. With dialog balloons, these ink renderings look more like comic serial panels.

The threesome consists of Steve, Susan and Dynamite, a lascivious sadist. She invades Steve's place and liberates his captives, only to bring them to her own Dynamic Dungeon of Mayhem. There, she has staff, clients, and captives of her own. A relentless disciplinarian, Dynamite shows Steve the other end of the whip he used on Susan and conscripts her into his punishment regimen.

Dynamite orients her newest prisoners to their accommodations with vile cruelties, sometimes administered by Inga or Vidor. In the last sequence, Mistress Dynamite handcuffs Sylvie, spanks her, ties her into a bundle and drives her to the mansion.

Like most Hilbarth graphic novels, this tale is divided into two parts. Although picture and prose pages alternate throughout, the narrative content of illustrations reflect the first half of the story.

The ebook presents all content of the full-sized magazine in the original page sequence. Brightness and contrast were adjusted.

All new scans.

Mr. Bilbrew animates sexy, shapely women enthralled with whip-wielding glee.
His gritty tableaux betray a casual pulp
timbre, with little attention to settings.

Mr. Bilbrew's oeuvre spans 40 years, but these two sets demonstrate the difference a decade made in the output of this artist. The earlier work reflects care and precision in the delineation of faces and fetish details. While a fine display of adroit technique, his 1970s product reflects the rush of his hectic later years.

bonus ebook

Bound in Terror
Hilbarth, Inc.

Derived from internet sources, a small ebook collects comic panels from Bound in Terror. It's included in this product as a bonus.

Set in a Latin American jungle, guerrilla fighters capture two women and hurt them. Then, sexy Sadistarica shows up with her cruel whip.

about 20 pages

Three ebooks, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $4.86
