Gene Bilbrew Eneg Art

#301309 - Bondage Honeymoon Bilbrew ENEG Satellite

SKU: #301309

Bondage Honeymoon
illustrations by Gene Bilbrew/ENEG
Satellite Publishing Company
Jersey City, New Jersey
c. 1963

digital replica


optimized ebook
of 18 small photographs

The back cover describes the contents with these words:

“Read all about what happens when the groom lets his beautiful austere glamorous wife make all the arrangements for their honeymoon. On board her luxury yacht, the dominating Katrina keeps her husband and his Best Man in bizarre and helpless bondage, subject to the stern discipline of herself and her Maid of Honor.

“High heels, rubber and leather costumes, tight lacing, and bondage slavery for the virile men are all portrayed in vivid detail. The exotic illustrations bring the action fully to life for the reader enthusiast. When the Bride and her Maid of Honor disagree on the division of authority over the helpless male slaves, there is a fighting girl scene of unsurpassed violence, that ends up adding one more slave to the Bondage Queen's retinue of unwilling servants.

“Vigorous action, intimate descriptions, and vivid detailed illustrations by an expert, all combine to make this book a "MUST" for the hobbyist and collector.”

When Katrina agrees to marry William, he's eager. He wants to get his hands on his gorgeous bride. Instead of hot nuptial congress, Katrina immediately locks William in bondage, including a diabolical, steel chastity device. They set sail on her yacht with Harriet and Conrad, whose experience mirrors the groom's.

When Conrad becomes defiant, the women slap him around until he obeys. Then, Katrina gags him with a devilish mechanical device.

In one sequence, the bride feminizes her husband with make-up, lace and high heels and has parade in front of the yacht's crew. In another episode, she has him dressed as a mermaid and throws him overboard. She calls him Willy, a name he hates.

The articulate narrative pursues a focused femdom theme throughout, with many fetish details and anatomical descriptions. The story provides accounts of cruel punishment mechanisms and humiliating exercises contrived by cunning Katrina to torment her new husband for her own amusement. The writer crafts the mean protagonist as haughty sadist who hurts men for the fun of it.

The booklet contains 9 excellent ink drawings by Gene Bilbrew, signing as ENEG. He's done a superb job of rendering shapely female figures in high heels and helpless muscle-men.

The ebook contains all content of the original. Picture placement was revised to more closely align pictures and prose. Not all scenes appear in illustrations. Drawings do not precisely depict scenes in the narrative.

All new scans.

Most other illustrated Satellite booklets with bound or bondage in their titles tell stories of women in restraints or a mix of female and male victims. Bondage Honeymoon tells of a sadistic wife who abuses and embarrasses her husband on a cruise during the first days of their marriage. The helplessness of the male characters resonates with masochist fantasy. A daring piece of erotic fiction when it was published, its relentless cruelty regimen was unique for the period.

an optimized ebook
A statement on back cover promises “Beautifully Illustrated photographs of Live Models in Bondage.” These 18 pictures were placed on two pages of the booklet. Each image is less than two inches in height.

To make the most of these photos, a second ebook is included in this product containing 18 pages. Unique presentation techniques reveal lace and rope details in the pictures. Due to the size of images and the paper used to print the booklet, photos appear with lots of undesirable texture and graininess.

This optimized ebook will fill screens with nostalgic bondage tableaux and 1960s lingerie.

Two ebooks, one optimized, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $3.09
