Female Mimics Impersonators magazines

#401409 - Female Mimics 10 Health Knowledge 1967

SKU: #401409

Female Mimics, Volume 1, Number 10
Health Knowledge, Inc.
New York, New York

digital replica

InFemale Mimics, we meet men who entertain professionally, singing, dancing and telling jokes on the stages of cabarets. In addition to pictorials showing us successful female impersonators, the tenth issue of the classic magazine gives us Part Two of The Golden Age of Female Impersonation by Carlson Wade and a collection of photographs from recent Art Students Artists and Models Balls.

The cover story is Crazy Horse star Kicks Wilde, who's shown before and after dressing up. Pictures present him applying make-up, in undies and in gowns.

“An effervescent quality that stood out like fresh champagne began to attract people when this lad was just becoming a teenager. Full of life and sparkle, his family and friends began to call him "Bubbles" AND today he's a show-stopper at the 82 Club in New York. . . . On stage "Bubbles" lights up in many guises. He can be sweet and sugary, and when the mood strikes daring and provocative. A student of mimicry, he realizes that as an old, respected form of stage art you can't learn it overnight!”

“Robin Roberts lives in Miami, and as you see he's truly a testimonial for "sun and sea." An avid swimmer and surfer, Robin spends most of his time combing the beaches. . . . At the moment, Robin isn't sure about his future. He has become so enrapt with the art of Mimicry that he may decide to go on to the "big time." Many of the headliners who know him feel that he had it made already. Robin has what is considered a 'natural' talent and feel. When he performs he establishes immediate contact with his audience. Robin leads a full life, studying and perfecting his art. . . .”

Hans Crystal never stands still. His personal life and stage career are always changing. As you know, Hans is in the midst of making a radical physical change, too! (see Female Mimics, Number 7). Before long Hans will complete the most important step of his life, the complete transformation he has always wanted. He, his friends and fans are delighted! The popular perfectionist appears as both blond and brunette.”

With some detours along the way, Ricky Renee climbed to stardom, pursing excellence. “Ricky was so thrilled with the feature we did of him in Female Mimics #6 that he phone us from London to tell us the scoop. That news is that Ricky now has his own club on Russell Street in London. Formerly called Annie's Room it now will be known as Ricky Renee's. Great news for Londoners, and all of us who travel to England.”

The last pictorial shows graceful Crazy Horse alumnus Dena Grevis at home in wigs, sexy foundation garments, lace stockings, skirts, dresses and as himself. “Elegance is the keynote. . . .”

Ten pages of snapshots suggest the broad variety of costume types party-goers wear to Art Students Artists and Models Balls. While some cross dress, others appear as ancient deities, exotic royalty or fictional characters.

The Golden Age of Female Impersonation, Part II, continues Carlson Wade's history. In the 17th century, the Abbe de Choisy was forced to wear female attire by his mother, and he grew to enjoy these costumes. One hundred years later, Chevalier d'Eon deBeaumont of France disguised himself a woman and became confidant of Empress Elizabeth of Russia. He operated as spy, obtaining military data for the King of France. In the 20th century Havelock Ellis coined Eonism to mean transvestism.

The digital replica contains all content of the original 72-page magazine. Page sequence was revised to obtain continuity of the article and one pictorial.

Photo tonality was adjusted, and shadows reduced, achieving mostly clear images and smooth textures. The original magazine has good photography and the ebook makes the most of it.

The digital replica provides the best mechanism for enjoying this glittery volume of 20th century showbiz characters, featuring faces and figures of “Gorgeous Guys”.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $4.09
