Holly Publications

#555 - Leather Fetishism 2 Holly Publications

SKU: #555

Leather Fetishism: 2
Holly Publications
Hollywood, California

digital replica

A square-bound magazine, Leather Fetishism: 2 presents a plethora of pictures of sexy models in leather and other shiny materials. Many types of boots, pumps, nylons, gloves, corsets and implements of chastisements glamorize shapely bodies and tapering limbs.

Most pictures are threatening solo shots, but some show women dominating or humiliating men. We've seen many of these models in other Holly, Eros Goldstripe, Hudson, Parliament or Jennifer Jordan publications. While some photos were created in France, most are 1970s US in origin.

A list on page 3 announces this categorization of content:

A look at the world of leather and how this rugged material is used by the fetishist and the dominatrix.

The tools of the dominatrix — designed to destroy identity, deceive and mute the subject!

An investigation into the psyches of those obsessed with the sexual connotations of fur and leather. Fascinating and provocative!

An editorial provides these declarations:

Fetishism is the act of focusing the sexual energy and drive on an object rather than another human being. The object of the fetishist can range from a pair of panties worn by a former lover to boots of a woman whom he desires. In all cases, the fetishist becomes obsessively attached to the garment or article to the point of eliminating all other contact with the real person.

In this issue, we present a look at some of the more common fetishes, and how they are implemented into the sex life of those who use them. Oftentimes, the fetishist crosses the line of mere worship and finds himself, or herself, victimized by the very thing they worship. This happens when fetishism becomes powerfully linked with domination and humiliation, when the object becomes the catalyst for such activity.

We shall investigate these aspects of fetishism along with the basics. Most of us are, in one degree or another, fetishists. It is only through examining the psychology and emotions of the true fetishist that we can better understand our own propensities and desires in this direction.

The three chapters of the magazine are accompanied by prose that describes and psychologically analyzes the symbolism of leather fetish paraphernalia. Connecting leather fetishism with the imagination of masochists, the anonymous writer says,

It is commonly known that many men are obsessed by a kind of dream of a tall, dark-haired woman who dominates them, beats and humiliates them, binds and torments them. This figure is so common today that I have long ago given her a name, "Domina", which is convenient when discussing her. However, she does not appear in the flesh, is not a creature of flesh and blood, has no substance and casts no shadow. Therefore she is not real? Not real, when hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of men KNOW her, are obsessed by her, do her homage?

Of course she is real, simply because she is experienced. She does not exist as human women do; that is not important. She is real because she is EXPERIENCED. And it is only by accepting the reality of Domina that we can come to terms with her. No one can come to terms with a figment of the imagination, nor with a creature of whom one has no experience. Real? Yes. But only to those who experience her. This would sound strange but for my analogy of the four-legged tribe. That tribe would be real enough to themselves and to any two-legged neighbors. But they would not be real to us, because we have no experience of them. Given the experience, the reality follows.

These images of high-heeled divas with whips comprise a varied album of fetish photos, many in color. Most photography was accomplished in studios, configured to look like residential settings.

The digital replica contains all content of the 92-page magazine, in the original sequence. A few page layout were revised slightly. Some empty margins, borders, floors and walls were cropped out. No advertising, illustrations or fiction.

Brightness and contrast were adjusted and shadows reduced. Most pictures transposed to ebook format with clarity, providing a visual experience that improves on the original.

All new scans. Female and male nudity.

Although some parts of pictures are obscured on this page, the ebook shows everything that's in the original.

One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.

Price: $5.55
