#303331 - Wrestling Photo Album No 50 Rosslyn News Candy Samples
Wrestling Photo Album, Number 50
Rosslyn News
Studio City, California
digital replica
In February 2022, after we produced an ebook of Candy, Volume 1, Number 1 (Profile Publications), we received this correspondence from a Pennsylvania fan of our wrestling products.
I'm going to purchase your Candy Samples pics but wanted to know do you have any pics of her wrestling? I don't know if you are aware of it but she was a pretty tough wrestler. I followed her for years wrestling. She did videos for a guy named Ron Dvorkin who had a company called California Supreme. A few years ago he was liquidating his inventory of videos and I was looking at a sizeable purchase. I actually spoke to him and negotiating buying a number of his videos. I asked him about candy Samples and how she was as a wrestler. He told me that Candy only agreed to wrestle for his company if the matches would be semi-competitive.
He said that Candy had a reputation and did not want to do totally fake videos. It turns out that while she was not an overly skilled wrestler according to him, she was extremely powerful and had a tough side to her. He said she could handle almost every woman that worked for him. He also said at times Candy got carried away and really got tough with some of the women that worked for him that she didn't like. He said while she was a really sweet women she had a really hard side to her and could be very tough if she wanted to. You can imagine someone like me that loves Stanton cartoons of busty tough women, seeing Candy Samples working other women over is a dream come true. Hopefully you have some pics of her wrestling that you can sell thanks.
When we acquire materials we use for ebook content, we often get a batch of publications in a single shipment. In March 2022, we received a box from our associate in Florida that contained nine publications with full-sized pages and one Rosslyn News booklet. A brief glance at the interior pages of Wrestling Photo Album No. 50 suggested that picture quality was questionable.
The booklet contains no text that relates to the models or narrative shown in the photographs. On subsequent inspection, we recognized that one of the models was Candy Samples. Because we had received the request, we decided to process Wrestling Photo Album No. 50 into a ebook, despite all the image editing that would be required.
Candy and a svelte brunette tangle on a bed that's fixed up as a couch and on the rug in front of it. Both women wear garter belt and stockings. In most pictures, Candy's flimsy bra is pushed up above her breasts, non-functional. A big wig tops her head. The brunette wears a bustier.
Nothing indicates motivation for the fight. Candy dominates her opponent. Candy grabs arms, wrists and hands and twists. Some tableaux involve pressing on legs and most show Candy on top.
The centerfold shows two other models naked on a floor beside a chair. One pulls the other's hair.
Clay-coated paper works best for printing photographs. Parliament, Eros, Nutrix, and hundreds of other publishers use clay-coated paper with good results.
Like most other Rosslyn News publications, Wrestling Photo Album No. 50 was printed on un-coated paper. The pictures are slightly darker than they should be with strange contrast. A few photos have soft focus.
The ebook contains all content of the booklet, including two pages of advertising, in the original page sequence. The layouts of one advertising page and the back cover were revised.
Some margins, walls, floors and furniture were cropped out. Horizontal images were rotated for viewing convenience.
Brightness, contrast and levels were adjusted, and shadows reduced. Many specks and streaks were re-touched. Image editing improved the quality of every photograph.
All new scans. 52 pages.
One ebook, delivered by download from your 30th Street Graphics account.